Who are we?

DOTE and DOTEbase have been developed by the BigSoftVideo team in the Video Research Lab (VILA) in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Aalborg University. Members of the team include researchers in the fields of video-based qualitative research, computer-supported cooperative learning and ethnomethodological conversation analysis (EMCA). They work in harmony with software developers to craft software tools to support immersive qualitative analytics.

The researchers in the team position themselves in the BIG VIDEO programme within the Immersive Digital Humanities. This term is used to suggest an alternative to the hype that focuses solely on quantitative big data analytics. The aim is to develop an enhanced infrastructure for qualitative video analysis with innovation in four key areas:
  • digital video capture, storage, archiving and access;
  • visualisation, transformation and presentation, eg. 360mash and BreachingVR;
  • collaboration and sharing, eg. CAVA360VR;
  • and qualitative tools to support analysis, eg. DOTE, DOTEbase, AVA360VR and SQUIVE.
For more details, please read our Big Video manifesto! and check out our BigSoftVideo codespace on GitHub! Or send us an email at DOTE@id.aau.dk.

The dream team

Members of the software development team include:
  • Paul McIlvenny (Designer/Documentation/Video tutorials)
  • Jacob Davidsen (Co-designer/Production/Video tutorials/Social media)
  • Alexander Stein (Developer 2022-)
  • Jonas Noermark (Student assistant 2022-2024 - UI and license manager/webshop)
  • Artúr Barnabás Kovács (Developer 2020-2021)
Thanks to all the students and scholars, locally and internationally, who have helped us beta-test the software as it has grown.